
Buying vs Hiring

We all know what it was like as a child going from one hobby to the next. For a while you’re into karate, then soccer. Sometimes we think we’re going to be builders, then rock stars. Parents can find it difficult to keep up with their child’s latest craze. Some items can be beyond the family budget and are avoided. Music teachers around the world are used to the look of hesitation on parents' faces when they realize their child wants to learn an instrument that costs thousands of dollars. However, hard as it may seem when it comes to developing children’s hobbies, this still needs a whole lot of focus since it greatly helps in a child’s growth and development, especially in expressing his or herself and increasing self-esteem. To know more about the benefits of a child having hobbies, check it out here:

With all these points, there is no need to worry about letting your child be exposed to the field of music and testing it out as his or her hobby. Now we can try before we buy with, a peer-to-peer instrument hireplace.

There are music stores that have heaps of customers who enter the store to “just have a look” or to “hang out with the guitars”. Now the attendant can offer the customer a hire to try it out. If you’re a customer, just ask, “is this item listed on”

What are you waiting for? Hire high-quality musical instruments at and share the love!


Trash or Treasure? Refurb and Renew. 

In our consumerist-throw-away society, it’s easy to look at an old instrument and be tempted by the temporary feeling of buying something new to throw the old one in the bin. If you’ve ever spent time in a second-hand dealers’ lair, you’ll see how a new life can be given to an instrument from another era. It’s amazing the simple remedies anyone can pick up themselves. For example: if your drums are dirty and corroded, try using some fine steel wool on the chrome, glass cleaner on the wrapping, and a crème cleanser on the heads. These are items you can pick up from your local hardware shop or supermarket. If in doubt, ask your second-hand dealer for advice or some internet videos for tips. Caution: when using chemicals, always test in an inconspicuous place first in case there’s visible damage.


Instruments are like classic cars and artwork. Some people are collectors, some are dealers, and some do a bit of both. They may buy and sell where they think they’ll make a profit, but when they see that antique to complete their collection, they’ll hold onto it. Plus,  Creating a second-hand-based business is not bad at all. With this, check out this article about the benefits of supporting second-hand shopping:  

Now you can hire out your old treasures without really parting with them. is a peer-to-peer instrument hireplace that allows you to set your own hire price AND security deposit…..just in case. Most music shops will be selling the latest series by current brands. But what if you want the same kind of viola you saw in that movie from the fifties? There might be a collector in your city who has it. Let them know about so everybody wins.




