
Explore the List of Electronic Instruments with Pictures and Names

In Australia, electronic musical instruments play a very important role in modern music production, offering a diverse range of sounds and functionalities. These instruments produce sound using electronic circuitry, offering a vast array of tones and effects that traditional acoustic instruments cannot match 

This exciting post provides a comprehensive list of electronic instruments, complete with pictures and names, to help you understand more about musical tones and to upskill your passion towards music.  

From synthesizers and drum machines to digital pianos and MIDI controllers, you will get to know about the innovative electronic instruments list that shape modern music. So, let's begin! 

Electronic Family Instruments- A Short Overview 

Electronic musical instruments are devices that produce sound using electronic circuitry. Unlike traditional acoustic instruments, they generate audio signals that are then amplified through speakers.  

Some famous examples from the electronics instruments list include synthesizers and digital pianos. These instruments offer a wide range of sounds and effects, often imitating traditional instruments or creating entirely new tones.  

The versatility and innovation of electronic family music instruments have completely changed the modern music performance and the industry, allowing for more creative possibilities beyond conventional acoustic methods. 

Also, checkout this post if you want to learn about the electronic instrument family

Electronic Instruments Family- Key Facts  

There are various devices that comes under the list of electronic musical instruments. Here we will mention some fascinating key facts on electronic instrument family: -  

  • The first commercial electronic instrument, the Theremin, was invented in 1920 by the Russian physicist Léon Theremin.  
  • Sampling, which was introduced in the 1980s, revolutionised music production by allowing real-world sounds to be recorded and manipulated digitally. 
  • Modern software synthesizers can emulate classic hardware synths and create new sounds, making high-quality music production accessible. 
  • Electronic music instruments have significantly influenced genres like electronic dance music (EDM), hip-hop, and pop. 
  • Many modern electronic musical instruments are highly portable, making them ideal for live performances and mobile studios. 
  • These instruments allow extensive sound manipulation, offering a vast range of effects and soundscapes. 
  • Electronic family musical instruments often integrate seamlessly with digital audio workstations (DAWs), simplifying the music production process. 

How Electronic Musical Instruments Make Sound? 

Electronic musical instruments produce sound using electronic circuitry rather than the physical vibrations of strings, membranes, or air columns as with traditional acoustic instruments.  

At the heart of most electronic instruments is an oscillator, which creates a waveform (such as a sine wave, square wave, or sawtooth wave) that forms the basic sound. The frequency of the oscillator affects the pitch of the sound, while the amplitude controls the volume.  

Additional circuits such as filters and envelopes further shape the sound. Filters adjust the waveform by increasing or reducing specific frequencies. Envelopes regulate how the sound changes over time, affecting features like attack, decay, sustain, and release, which influence the sound's beginning, continuation, and fade.  

Digital signal processing (DSP) is often used in electronic instruments. Digital synthesizers and samplers can produce a wide range of tones and textures using stored sound samples or mathematical algorithms.   

The processed electronic signal is transmitted to an amplifier and a speaker, which convert it into audible sound waves for the listener. 

Have you thought about how musical instruments are categorized? There are 5 different types of musical instruments - knowing about these groups can be helpful whether you are thinking about learning to play or simply curious. 

The Complete List of Electronic Musical Instruments with Pictures and Names  

Here is a comprehensive electronics instruments list with names and pictures: - 

  • Theremin 
  • Synthesizer  
  • Sampler 
  • Digital Piano  
  • MIDI Controller 
  • Omnicord 
  • Drum Machine  
  • Stylophone  
  • Telharmonium 
  • Vocoder 

Now, let's understand more in detail about this list of electronic music instruments names and pictures.  

1. Theremin  

The theremin is one of the famous instruments from the electronic music instruments list which is played without physical contact. It is controlled by the thereminist, and its controlling section typically includes two metal antennas that sense the relative position of the thereminist's hands.  

These antennas control oscillators for frequency with one hand, and amplitude with the other. The electric signals from the theremin are then amplified and sent to a loudspeaker, resulting in a very eerie sound. Theremins are used in concert music and in popular music genres such as rock. 

2. Synthesizer 

A sound synthesizer is an electronic musical instrument that generates electric signals converted to sound through loudspeakers or headphones. Synthesizers can imitate other instruments or generate new timbres.  

They are often played with a keyboard, but they can also be controlled via a variety of other input devices, including music sequencers, instrument controllers, fingerboards, guitar synthesizers, wind controllers, and electronic drums. 

3. Sampler 

A sampler is an electronic musical instrument similar to a synthesizer. Instead of generating sounds, it uses recordings of sounds loaded or recorded by the user. These sounds can then be played back through the sampler program, a keyboard, sequencer, or other triggering device for music performance or composition. 

Most samplers have polyphonic capabilities, allowing them to play more than one note at the same time. They are also often multitimbral, with the ability to play back different sounds simultaneously. 

4. Digital Piano 

Digital pianos are a popular choice for both beginners and seasoned pianists due to their convenience. They replicate the feel and sound of acoustic pianos using advanced digital sampling and sound processing techniques.  

With features like touch sensitivity, adjustable sound settings, and built-in metronomes, digital pianos offer a realistic playing experience without the need for regular tuning. 

5. MIDI Controller 

MIDI controllers are essential instruments for modern music production, allowing musicians to interact with digital audio workstations (DAWs) and virtual instruments.  

MIDI controllers come in various forms, from simple keyboard controllers to complex pads and sliders, providing flexibility and precision in creating and manipulating sounds.  

6. Omnicord 

The Omnichord is also a famous device from the electronic musical instruments list introduced in 1981. It typically features a touch plate and buttons for major, minor, and 7th chords.  

The basic method of playing the instrument involves pressing the chord buttons and swiping the touch plate with a finger or guitar pick to imitate strumming a stringed instrument.  

Originally designed as an electronic substitute for an autoharp, the Omnichord has become popular as an individual instrument due to its unique chiming timbre and its value as a kitsch object. 

7. Drum Machine  

A drum machine is an electronic family instrument designed to imitate the sound of drums or other percussion instruments. It is most commonly associated with electronic music but is also used in many other genres.  

Although some features vary from model to model, many modern drum machines can also produce unique sounds and allow the user to compose custom drumbeats. 

8. Stylophone 

The Stylophone is a distinctive and compact electronic instrument, known for its unique buzzy sound. Developed in the 1960s, it features a metal touch-sensitive keyboard that produces tones when touched with a stylus.  

Its nostalgic appeal and easy playability have also made it a popular choice in various music genres. It offers a fun and accessible way to explore electronic music. 

9. Telharmonium 

The Telharmonium, developed by Thaddeus Cahill in 1897, was an early electronic organ. Similar to the later Hammond organ, the Telharmonium used tone wheels to produce musical sounds as electrical signals through additive synthesis.  

It is considered the first synthetic instrument because it generated sounds electromechanically, with the sound produced by moving parts rather than electronic oscillators. 

10. Vocoder  

A vocoder is an electronic musical instrument that modifies a voice signal by using the characteristics of another sound, such as a synthesizer or other musical instrument.  

Invented in the 1930s for telecommunications, it gained prominence in music during the 1970s and 1980s. Vocoders Analyse the speech signal’s formants and apply these to the carrier signal, creating robotic or synthesized vocal effects commonly heard in electronic music and pop songs. 

Tips for Choosing the Right Instrument from electronics instruments list   

Here we have mentioned some important tips you can follow to choose an ideal instrument from the electronic instruments list with pictures: -   

  • Clearly identify the purpose for which you need the instrument. Understanding the specific requirements will help you choose the right electronic instrument.  
  • Make sure that the instrument is compatible with other equipment and systems you will be using. Compatibility can save you time and prevent integration issues. 
  • Look for additional features that might be beneficial for your application. Features like data logging, connectivity options, and ease of use can improve the functionality. 
  • Examine the build quality and durability of the instrument. A well-built instrument will last longer and perform reliably under various conditions. 
  • Check reviews and ratings from other users to gain insights into the performance and reliability of the instrument. User feedback can provide valuable information that might not be evident from specifications alone. 
  • Compare the rental prices of different instruments while considering the features and specifications. 

The Bottom Line- Electronic Music Instruments Names and Pictures   

This detailed guide to electronic music instruments with names and pictures is a valuable resource for both experienced musicians and beginners. Whether you want to expand your collection or try something new, it is important for you to understand the wide variety of available instruments.  

Renting musical instruments in Australia can be a cost-effective and practical solution, allowing you to experiment with different sounds and styles without a significant financial cost when purchasing the. You can explore various instrument options from online platforms like InstruShare to find the perfect instrument for your needs. 

Also read, how much to rent an instrument in Australia

Rent High Quality Electronic Musical Instruments From InstruShare 

The category of electronic musical instruments is popular among the younger population. These instruments continually push the boundaries of music genres and performance. InstruShare is the best platform for music instrument rental in Australia. We offer a diverse range of instruments, from keyboards to synthesizers, ensuring that users can find the perfect equipment to suit their needs without the financial burden of purchasing.  

Our rental process is simple and convenient, allowing for flexible rental periods and easy returns. Whether you are a professional musician or just starting out, InstruShare is a valuable resource for accessing top-tier electronics instruments, promoting creativity, and exploring your musical journey. 




